April - October 2025.
Price round trip ticket from 30€, children (3-12yrs) 15,00€.
One-way ticket from 16,00€, children (3-12yrs) 8,00€.
Bicycle 6€/ direction.
Click on timetable to check specific dates and departures.
June 14th - August 17th 2025. Please make a booking to you bicycle also.
For this route you need to make two separate bookings.
Leg 1. Kasnäs/ Rosala - Bengtskär
Click on the button and read more of timetable and prices. You can book your trip direct from the webstore!
Start from Kasnäs - info and booking
Start from Rosala - info and booking
Leg 2. Bengtskär - Hanko
Click on the button and read more of timetable and prices.
Return to Hanko - info and booking
June 8th - August 18th 2024. Please make a booking to you bicycle also.
For this route you need to make two separate bookings.
Leg 1. Hanko - Bengtskär
Click on the button and read more of timetable and prices.
Start from Hanko - info and booking
Leg 2. Bengtskär - Rosala or Kasnäs
Click on the button and read more of timetable and prices. You can book your trip direct from the webstore!
Return to Kasnäs - info and booking
Return to Rosala - info and booking
The costal route is a 200 kilometer long scenic cycling route. The tour legs are Salo – Mathildedal - Kemiö - Taalintehdas - Kasnäs - Örö - Rosala - Hiittinen - Bengtskär - Hanko - Tammisaari - Tenhola.
Link to Coastal route web page.
Read more about the Coastal route from VisitKimitoon web page.
Virpi Heino
Daniel Wilson
Open Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat 12 a.m. - 2 p.m.